
Medical technology is an area of ​​knowledge complementary to the health sciences whose purpose is to carry out research procedures, diagnoses, and treatment of various diseases under the surveillance and supervision of the treating physician.

What is Medical in Charge of?

On the other Hand, medical technology is involved in the different hospital stages. That is, in the perioperative, operative, and postoperative stages because during all of them different diagnoses, treatments or medications are needed to help the patient recover.

In turn, medical technology involves different areas and products, all of them to improve the health sector and make hospital facilities more efficient:

  • Medicines
  • Appliances
  • Treatments
  • Diagnostics
  • Research

Medical Technology Groups Different Specialties

Care support staff carry out different types of work so that they can work in a variety of settings, such as:

Clinical Laboratory

Clinical Laboratory

Clinical laboratory activities are carried out by bioanalysis professionals supported by staff. Who work as laboratory assistants who carry out different activities that include taking samples, executing tests, staining slides, and handling and sample arrangement. They must implement biosecurity standards that allow them to protect themselves from the chemical and biological risks to which they are commonly exposed.

Radiology And Images

In this area, radiology technicians work, carrying out the patient’s preparation and taking images such as radiography, tomography, magnetic resonance, bone densitometry, gammagram, and ultrasound. This personnel usually have well-defined work rules since they are exposed to radiation.

Pathological Anatomy Laboratory

The technician who works in this area is the cytotechnologist. This professional handles the different tissue samples processed for biopsy and cytology studies. As well as particular procedures such as immunohistochemistry. They are in charge of pathologists.

Cardiopulmonary Technology

This is an area dedicated to the management of electrocardiograms, echocardiograms, stress tests, spirometry, and extracorporeal circulation pump equipment; it also includes the professionals in charge of the adaptation and calibration of pacemakers.


Optometrists are technical personnel dedicate to identifying vision disorders related to refractive errors. Their correction through the adaptation of corrective lenses; they can also carry out procedures such as determining ocular pressure and screening for pathologies such as color blindness.

Research and Development in Medical Technology

At an economic level, the central characteristics are the intense interconnection of products and benefits and the process of international standardization of medical technology. Added to this are enormous state framework conditions that must protect not only patients and entities responsible for the costs but also manufacturers and specialized personnel. An essential characteristic is a high proportion that research occupies within the sector, which is above average.

Both companies and manufacturers in the medical technology sector and their technical components invest heavily in research and development. So the industry average is almost 10% of turnover. This statistic is based on the ever-increasing need in the future for high-tech medical devices that make medical technology a crucial element of the industrial health economy. In this way, medical technology contributes significantly to the so-called health value production chain: offering solutions and proposals for solutions to societal problems.

Treatments Performed by Medical Technology

Currently, Medical Technology Has Advance By Leaps And Bounds. Allowing Quite Sophisticate Processes To Carried Out, Among Which The Following Stand Out:

  • Liquid Biopsy
  • Robotic Surgery
  • Decipher The Cell Atlas
  • 3D Impression Of Drugs Or Organs
  • Cellular Immunotherapy
  • Genome Sequencing

Objectives of Medical Technology

Contribute to the training of Medical Technology professionals with an innovative Educational Model. Which allows future professionals to make an accurate contribution to clinical diagnosis and treatment by applying scientific knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

Support scientific research in the area of ​​Medical Technology. Using the scientific method as a fundamental tool, contributing to knowledge in health. Contribute to the development of management and administration skills in students.

Contribute to the continuous training of medical technologists through an attractive offer of postgraduate and postgraduate degrees.

Vision of Medical Technology

To be recognize for training excellent Medical Technologists at the service of the country in their different fields of action. Proving to be people of integrity, committed to the well-being of society. Capable of adapting to the changes and demands of the work environment. With an outstanding hallmark of quality and also love for a job well done.


Medical technology is a bridge between medicine and technology. As a specialized field, medical technology combines various engineering sciences with medical subject areas such as diagnosis, therapy, nursing, and the rehabilitation of sick and healthy people.