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Twitter: How to Use it as a Marketing Tool?


For many businesses, Twitter and digital marketing  go hand in hand. This social network has incredible potential to reach a company’s potential customers and generate a powerful brand image. However, the success of Twitter in marketing depends on knowing how to use this tool correctly. So we will give you some keys.

Why Use Twitter in Marketing?

Why Use Twitter In Marketing

Because there are millions of users to reach on this platform, Twitter is among the most used social networks, a growth that is expected to continue in the coming years. It is likely to grow between 1.5% and 2.5%, according to figures published in Statista .

The platform offers a channel from which companies can communicate directly with their customers. It is thus a pivotal place to take advantage of all the advantages of network marketing.

Through the platform’s analytical tools, it is possible to understand better the type of public of a company and its opinion about a brand. In addition, Twitter and marketing go a step further by allowing the inclusion of ads on this platform, which can be part of an advertising campaign on social networks.

Some Tips for Using Twitter in Marketing

Develop an Appropriate Tone of Language

Unlike other platforms such as Instagram, although it allows the inclusion of photos and videos, Twitter is mainly oriented to publishing concise written messages. Therefore, companies must know how to use the correct language, approaching users as they expect.

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Use Hashtags and Follow the Latest Trends

Trending topics and hashtags are two ways to join the conversation on Twitter. It’s about attracting potential customers by engaging in a conversation that, right now, has their attention. However, it does not give a good image for a company to join any trend: use those topics that are related to your sector or activity or that may interest your audience.

Participate Actively

It is a two-way channel where users expect to receive personal responses from brands. It is necessary to respond to their messages and tweets, often through the figure of a Community Manager.

Please take advantage of the potential of tools such as Twitter Shopping, which allows you to put items for sale directly on this social platform, speeding up the process and making it easier for users.

Schedule your Posts for the Right Times

While some of the most popular tweets have been improvisations, using Twitter consistently for marketing means always scheduling your tweets. At the same time, it is essential to detect the optimal times to publish since they should correspond to the time of day when followers are most active.

How to Create a Twitter Marketing Strategy?

Launching a marketing strategy on Twitter opens up new business opportunities and improves brand image and recognition. But, first, knowing how to use this tool is essential to take advantage of its full potential.

Considering that for small businesses and freelancers, every minute is gold, having external professional help in this field can make a difference. In addition, this type of network management solution helps companies manage, optimize and boost their social profiles, including the possibility of launching a strategy on Twitter, with services such as:

  • Creation and registration of a social profile on the chosen platform. You will have advice on which social network may be best adapted to your activity and sector.
  • Assignment of a professional Community Manager available by email or phone for advice.
  • Generation of a network strategy appropriate to the company’s profile, also creating graphic and brand materials for posts in accordance with the business image.
  • Calendaring of publications and posts, generated collaboratively
  • Monthly results report to detect possible points of improvement and apply iterations.


Twitter, Inc. is an American communications company built in San Francisco, California. The company controls the microblogging and social networking service Twitter. It previously used the Vine short video app and Periscoped lives streaming service.

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