
The potential of marketing automation is that once this “machinery” is set up, no human intervention is required during the conversion process as all emails, notifications and actions are automatically performed by the marketing software. This also lets us focus on attracting new customers to feed the “machinery”. It is the act of planning and configuring in advance all the steps in converting a prospect (lead) into a customer.

Benefits of Marketing Automation

Benefits of Marketing Automation

Investing in Marketing Automation makes it possible to increase sales and revenue, lower acquisition costs and improve customer retention.

Let’s see more about each of these benefits

Nurturing Unlisted Leads

It is common to find ourselves in a situation where the client is not at the ideal moment of purchase. He may have exhausted or sunk the budget for the year, have other priorities, have just bought a similar solution, and may not even have noticed that he has a problem and also needs to solve it.

In all these cases, they are Leads that are not ready and will not buy now but may purchase in the future. However, the relationship is still

More Effectiveness in The Funnel

We know that in any purchase, there is a process, with some stages that all buyers must go through. So mastering the basic information from the last moment is a prerequisite for moving forward.

It is not enough to offer registration for university entrance for those who have not yet chosen their career, for example. In the case of RD Station, it makes no sense to offer a Marketing Automation software  RD Station Marketing  for those who still do not understand Digital Marketing and do not know the basics of the subject.

Smarter Leads Generate Bigger Tickets

Who do you imagine buys the most expensive wines? The one who doesn’t understand much and chooses an option in the supermarket to have for dinner or the one who took courses, read books, studied, and became knowledgeable about the subject?

As a Lead knows more about the subject and is more educated. The greater his tendency to recognize the problem and feel willing to invest more in the solution. If Marketing Automation guarantees this role, providing the right content and preparing the sale. It is natural that the tickets are higher at the time of purchase.

Personalized Communication for Each Person

With automation campaigns, it is possible to segment Leads by many criteria. Such as position, company, segment, time of purchase, etc., thereby leading them to more effective ways to better combat their doubts and objections and simultaneously be more attractive.

The result, in practice, is an extremely high efficiency in the relationship. Which adds value at each stage and keeps leads eager for the following emails.

Less Recurring Work for Marketing

A large part of the lead preparation that Marketing should do for sales is done automatically. Of course, there is a lot of effort in creating the “paths” that the different Leads must follow. But when adjusting these paths, you do not have to stay all the time starting from scratch and creating many new things. This reduces the need for a larger Marketing team to make said relationship manually.

More Productivity for Sellers

With all the early stages of the sales process driven by the automation tool and pre-created content. Salespeople achieve greater productivity in different ways. If the device does the job well, sellers feel more comfortable focusing on the readiest leads and faith that the tips that are not yet at the right time will come back after some time.

Since there is no need to do all the initial education. They can also specialize in the later stages of the process, ensuring a higher closing rate.

How Does Marketing Automation Help Teams?

Marketing automation delivers timely and valuable content to potential customers. Building trust and respect for your brand, educating potential customers about your services, and helping them qualify for interest.

Further down the channel, once potential customers have narrowed down the types of products they are interested in, the company can use automation to communicate tailored messages to the groups most likely to respond and benefit the audience.


Marketing automation uses technology to simplify and automate marketing campaigns through email, social media, mobile, and online advertising, among many other channels. By automating repetitive tasks, marketers’ time is freed to focus on strategic projects and campaigns.

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