
Digital Marketing ( Online Marketing ) is all those promotional and advertising strategies and actions executed in Internet channels and media. It has other widely used meanings, such as internet marketing, cybermarketing, or cybermarketing.

We will help you understand what it is and how it can help your company’s objectives. Digital marketing has the same objective as offline or traditional marketing, only using new technologies and the network. It is a system that allows the advertiser’s products or services to be strategically promoted online through platforms and tools and aligned with the company’s general marketing strategy.

Essential Factors for Launching a Digital Marketing Campaign

Do you want to start an online marketing campaign and don’t know where to start? Here we leave you the four essential points your brand needs to consider before spending the marketing budget. However, if you are in the hands of an online marketing agency, they will take care of giving you the right advice on how we perform at Cyberclick.


The website or landing page promoting the brand service or product must be highly effective. Its user-friendliness must facilitate the conversion into a purchase and not the other way around, so it must be very intuitive. When the abandonment rate increases, a site’s ergonomics, and design must be reviewed.

Template or Graphic Design

Template or Graphic Design

The phrase “buying with your eyes” goes straight into this section and gives it whole meaning. We’re a visual species, so the page’s design promoting the product or service should be very visually appealing, and what’s being sold should stand out from the other components of the page. Aim for everything clear, simple, direct, and attractive, and avoid extravagance. Try to make the end user fall in love with everything you develop as part of your digital marketing strategy.

Search Engine

These platforms or websites are responsible for organizing and indexing all the information on the Internet and creating it easier for users to search. So how can you incorporate them into your online marketing strategy? In 2 ways: through SEO and SEM. The first concept relates to the organic or natural positioning of your product or service website, and the second point is showing up in paid results (aka pay per click, PPC, or sponsored ads).


The Internet offers you exclusive channels for carrying out your digital marketing campaigns, such as social ads or advertising on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn), brand content or content marketing (blogs and online media), e-mail Marketing, apps or mobile applications or digital advertising (banners).

Benefits of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is one of the best powerful marketing tools for any business. And to prove our point, here are some benefits of digital marketing.

1. The Most Measurable form of Marketing

Let’s start with definitely the most obvious advantage of digital marketing you can track it.

We all know that the only way to ensure a marketing strategy works is to look at its success over time. Since everything on the Internet is based on numbers and algorithms, it’s easy to understand how effective a marketing strategy is.

Although it can be a bit complicated with more traditional means. Measuring the effectiveness of a strategy using digital marketing is very easy. It is because digital marketing analytics takes the reasoning out of conventional ways of marketing.

These analytics allow you to measure how many people view your posts or ads. How many users have opened your posts, and who responded, liked, or shared your post.

2. The Most Profitable Marketing Technique

Aside from being able to track all your posts, as well as all the likes, comments, and shares you receive, it is also the most profitable marketing technique.

Now it’s important to note that digital marketing is relatively less expensive than most traditional forms of marketing.

While there used to be a paywall between large and smaller companies regarding advertising and exposure, this is no longer the case. As a result, small businesses today can grab the attention of people they otherwise wouldn’t have.

3. It Allows you to Select Any Audience

Speaking of choosing your audience, another great advantage of digital marketing is that it can be as exact or as general as you want it to be.

You can find specific groups or forums on social media sites like Instagram or Reddit to market to a particular audience.

You can also market to a vast audience through internet ads or sponsored posts on Facebook and Instagram. So whatever your target audience is, you will find it through digital marketing.

In addition to direct marketing to your audience, you can also use influencer marketing. Which allows you to target a specific market directly through intermediaries and familiar faces.

4. Customers Begin Their Buying Journey Online

Customers rely on the Internet for everything, including purchasing options and decisions.

For more and more customers, the buying journey begins with research and knowledge of the product or service. Is there a better place to learn about something than the Internet?

Since “Google it” has become so common in our language. Most people’s first instinct is to search the web for something.

A 2018 study published by Bazaar voice found that 82% of smartphone owners search the web for purchases they want to make. So that’s the goal of creating a great digital marketing strategy you can be the answer these people are looking for.


Digital marketing is the application of marketing strategies implemented for digital media. All the techniques of the offline world are imitated and translated into a new world, the online world. In addition, new tools are emerging in the digital field, such as immediacy. The new social networks that appear every day, and the possibility of measuring each of the strategies deployed in real situations.

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